This issue contains a formal Table of Contents which identifies the four articles, one translation, and one book review within the issue.
Lara Trout “María Lugones and White Hegemonic Feminism: Making a case for
Nalliely Hernández “Uses of Rorty’s Irony: Literature, History and Political Identity in
Cristian Felipe Soler “Pascal and Gómez Dávila: Aesthetic Revolutions, Skeptical
Ellipses, and Political Reactions”
Scott Pratt “(Mis)Trust and Pragmatism as Grounded Normativity”
Luis Villoro “The Blue Mosque: An Experience of Otherness” Translation, Introduction,
and Critical Commentary by Kristian Cantens
Book Review
Hugo Moreno: Rethinking Philosophy with Borges, Zambrano, Paz, and Plato,
Lexington Books, 2022, 240 P. ISBN-10: 1793639280, ISBN-13: 978-1793639288
by Amy A. Oliver